Monday, May 09, 2005

Where The F Is The Rain?

Still trying to finish The Ruminator. I hope to complete the first draft this week. Then I'll prune and mold for awhile.

I'm looking forward to starting the next story about Willie, the black man who as a young boy survived the Tulsa Race Riot. I have some ideas for that one and I feel like this is a story that I need to squeeze on out.

I'm still planning on finishing Baked Plain before summer's end.

And up there sunning on the horizon... gulp, The Lost Child.

Music: The new EELS is ok but there's really nothing new there. I say either cheer up or dig deeper. Maybe both. I'm warming to Springsteen's Devils & Dust, especially the title track, where Bruce ruminates (there's that word again) about fear being the root of all evil, which I have concluded myself for a while now. Nice falsetto boss. I received a wonderful surprise today from Jim Smart, an awesome homegrown effort called Mist, with an appealing sonic texture to it and a cool lyrical vibe. On order, Dwight Twilley's 47 Moons and the Ken Emerson disc featuring an appearance from that ukelele maniac todd rundgren.

ps: we're in a springtime drought around here. No storms or tornados or nothin'! I always like to break out a good bottle of wine when the Oklahoma skies start to boil. Bummer. Buy wheat futures now!

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