Friday, April 01, 2005

April Fool's Day

Well, I actually created a blog on December 31st, 2004, and subsequently destroyed it sometime in February. New Year's Eve was (is) a damn good time to start one but maybe April Fool's Day will be a more fitting beginning?

Looking back on it, I now realize that I had written quite a few nice little posts attempting insight, a couple of funny vignettes (one concerning the recent rehab of George Carlin), one recount of a near catastrophe that devolved into snivelling sentimentality, and one or two items that bordered on smug self-gratification that apparantly motivated me, on sober reflection, to delete it ALL into the netherworld along with my cure for cancer and the answer as to why we are all here.

But a few weeks ago I yearned to revisit my blog. So here I go again, with no true purpose or outline, other than to record some of my ideas for future consideration. And deletion?

I'll try to curb the smuggery this time.

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