Sunday, December 31, 2006


2006 was a trying year but we got through it. Taught us quite a bit too, like appreciate life. Enjoy it. Hell - while we're at it, why not even live it!

New Year's Eve Resolutions:

From now on January is a shedding month. Weight that is. Pounds of fat. I plan on losing ten of them by February 1st! Right now I'm around 224. My ultimate goal is under 200. The time has come.

Medicine Park will release two CDs this year. First, the Moogy deal, and then a various artist project that might incorporate a Christmas story writ by me (currently unwritten btw).

I must finish The Lost Child by June 30th. Then write some short stories and prepare for NaNoWriMo 2007 in November. I missed it this year. The working title in mind: The Whistle (a story about a college basketball referee - lots of possibilities there).

Financial Goal Planning of Oklahoma must pollinate by year's end or I'll pull the plug on any future such endeavors. My goal is at least ten clients by that time.

Other goals: prepare for sale of farm land. Hope to average $2500 to $3000 per acre. Hope to have all sold by 2010. And learn more about the winemaking!

So - I got no time for wallowing. Carry on my good men...

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